Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I haven’t had much time to work in the garden this year.

The first year living in our house my garden had everything you could imagine. We had corn, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, snapdragons, petunias and so much more. I spent hours tending to each with gratitude and pleasure, seeing each transform from tiny little plants into fresh vegetables for summer dinners or flower filled vases.

Then came a summer of which I was pregnant. My stomach didn’t allow me to get down and dirty in the garden. And an unfortunate mix up with weed killer left my vegetable plants as black as coal. I killed all my vegetables, herbs and flowers. I figured that was God’s way of telling me to slow down and take care of my unborn son.

This year, I looked at the weeds in my garden and figure if God wanted vegetables in my garden, He would have put them there. After all, I thought, now with two kiddos I don’t really have time.

I have reconsidered my position. Gardening is a lot like my life. In order to enjoy the fruits (or vegetables, flowers, etc.) it requires hard work, self discipline and love. It isn’t always easy to go through all the weeds and pluck them out, but if I don’t it will choke the flower.

The same goes for my prayer life. I really want to feel close to the Lord all the time. But sometimes it is difficult. Upon further inspection I have found a lot more weeds in my spiritual “garden”, making holiness a challenge.

What are the weeds in your spiritual garden?

Watching sitcoms of no intellectual, spiritual or moral value?
Lack of quiet time? (Is the music, television or radio always on?)
Poor use of time?
Loss of temper?

These are just a few examples. But what a difference it makes. It always starts off small (like a little weed) and suddenly you realize your spiritual priorities have been taken over by the things you value the least.

I really want a beautiful garden this year. I don’t know if it will include vegetables or flowers.

But, I do know I want to have a beautiful and prosperous soul.

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